
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Challenge Months Ahead

Normally I am all over this, ready and raring to go, but I'm still pretty burned out on lots of things. 

April is National Poetry Month. There is a challenge to write a poem a day over at Writer's Digest.  Robert Lee Brewer posts a prompt every day and chooses his favorite submission at the end.  It's pretty helpful to try to write a poem a day.  I've done it before, but I've been lacking this month.  I believe I might start tonight!

There is a program running in May called Story A Day.  Basically, you write a short story every day.  They are starting to gear up with writing exercises and collecting story ideas now.  I tried this last year and while I only managed to get a couple stories finished, I had partials for several others that I was able to flesh out and use later.

June brings the first Camp NaNo of the year.  Write a novel in idyllic camp settings surrounded by mosquitoes and bears. :)

Get your writing muscles in gear and write write write!

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