
Monday, March 22, 2010

Inspire: Courage and Getting Stuff Done

Ahh, it's Monday! And me without a prepared post. Luckily, my notes are on paper rather than the computer.

Going through this downtime, again, with my computer, makes me think about what I need to get accomplished rather than sticking my head in the sand. My planned post for this week was about Courage, about taking the leap into doing things that you aren't comfortable with and making it your own.

I think a part of courage is also knowing that you would much rather hide and play the hermit (a favorite past time of mine previously), but instead you keep on going and pushing through it.

I really feel like being a hermit after my computer crashed again. I don't even want to look at it as I'm pretty sure the motherboard burned on it, for the third time, and it is no longer covered under warranty. But I will take it in at some point and get it to work. In the mean time, I'm canceling my service and saving up money for a new one, using the computers at the library and at work.

My courage this week is continuing to update this blog in a regular fashion, even though I won't have home access for probably four months.

What is courage for you?

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