
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inspire: It's Summer Time!

Hope you all had a great three day weekend!  I got quite a bit done and was pretty frugal, I'm excited!  I blanched and froze three packages of sweet corn, made from-scratch muffins (which I never do), made excess pancakes to freeze, made a roast, and made a crock-pot meal for today.  I feel accomplished. :)  I'm going to try to plan more crock-pot meals during the summer so I don't have to work over a hot stove/oven.

You will notice some changes today, I've been messing about with the layout of the blog.  I'm hoping to find a way to make a great banner but haven't gotten there yet. 

Another change may happen, may not.  I'm going to be moving (hopefully by July 1st if not sooner!) and in doing so, I've got a LOT of packing to be doing.  Moving is not the best environment to start craft projects in, so I'm going to try to keep my crafting to a minimum and keep it to small pieces.  That's pretty much what I've been posting anyway, right?  Hopefully I can think of some nifty moving how-to posts or moving related crafting.

Now on to this weeks theme!  Summer time!

Yes, I know, it's not officially summer time, but this is my son's last week of school and I officially have a sun burn.  That makes it summer for me.  I hit the pool for the first time this year and it was spectacular.  I'm still suffering from a bit of that burn, not from swimming, but from driving from my town to the swimming pool town. 

This week start thinking about what you want to do this summer.  Is it a zoo or a trip to the science center?  Is it swimming or camping or barbecuing?  I'm planning on having a garage party if/when I move into this new place.  I also plan on hanging out at the pool and finding some friends to play disc golf with.

What are you going to do?

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